5 Crucial Elements of the Elevator Pitch | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Crucial #Elements #Elevator #Pitch #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

 This article was originally published by OnDeck®, which is hiring summer interns on WayUp now.

It’s tempting to prioritize your personal elevator pitch somewhere between watering the office ficus and ordering extra paper towels for the break room. After all, it can be hard to develop and even harder to deliver. However, it’s important that you not underestimate the power of a solid elevator pitch and the impact it has on your success.

A clear, conversational, and relatable elevator pitch lends a personal touch to your networking strategies in ways that cold calls or emails simply can’t.

You have about 30 seconds or less to pique your listener’s interest. That may seem like a daunting task but with a little planning, it’s possible to pack a lot of information into a short time frame. Let’s look at the five main points of information your elevator pitch must contain for maximum effectiveness.

Who You Are

This seems obvious but it’s easy to leave out the most important bits of information when you’re nervous or flustered. This isn’t the time to haul out your entire resume so stick to the basics; just your name and your college or your most recent career move.

Now you’ve got about 25 seconds left. Jacek Grebski, partner at digital product agency SWARM, says use this time to shine. “It’s all about you. For the next few seconds the world really is revolving around you, so knock the audience dead.”

What You Do

Once you’ve established a connection, use the opportunity to succinctly explain what the company you work for does and your role in the organization. Resist the urge to pepper your elevator pitch with industry jargon or unnecessary terminology that requires additional explanation.

“Your message and value proposition will quickly sink in a sea of jargon and buzzwords,” says growth and funding strategist Ron Flavin. “Use powerful, strong words that emphasize key points and create a visual image. And remember, if you can make your point with just a few words, do it. More words does not necessarily equate to more impact.”

Why You Do It

This is likely to be your favorite part of the elevator pitch because it gives you a chance to share your excitement about why you work so hard. Let your passion flag fly!

“Passion will ensure your pitch is memorable, unique, and engaging. Don’t be afraid to show your enthusiasm; it could be the difference between a closed door and another conversation,” notes entrepreneur Michal Ugor.

Who You Do It For

This section of the elevator pitch focuses on the type of industry you want to work for and the people you’ll serve in that industry.

It’s worth considering whether to create a couple of ways to address this section of your pitch based on different contexts. You may find it useful to modify your response depending on its relevance to the event or situation where you’re delivering your message.

For instance, talking about your industry during a networking event may require a more nuanced response than during the course of a casual conversation.

How Others Benefit

This is the real heart of your elevator pitch and the big moment the listener has been waiting for. Here’s where you explain what’s in it for the people you’ll work for and how they benefit from what you do. What sort of impact are you making in your role?

Once you’ve crafted and refined your pitch go find an actual elevator where you can practice your delivery. Professional development consultant Laura Katen recommends, “The next time you ride an elevator (alone), practice your speech. First, give yourself some time by going to the highest floor. Then, try giving your pitch from a middle floor and from the first to the third floor, too. Having to make just a few brief moments count will help you to hone the words you need and scrap the ones you don’t!”

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