Want to Learn How to Market Yourself? 5 Books That’ll Get You There | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Learn #Market #Books #Thatll #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

This article was inspired by a piece originally published by OnDeck®, which is hiring summer interns on WayUp now.

Whether you’re a college student taking on the internship search for the first time or a recent grad trying to make waves at that first post-grad job, making a great impression can be difficult. However, our friends at OnDeck, an amazing company that helps small businesses secure loans and financing, are here to help.

Being able to market yourself well is becoming increasingly important (especially in the digital age!), so OnDeck rounded up a great list of 33 books for you to dive into on that very subject. If reading almost three dozen books is a little intimidating for you, we picked our favorite five from OnDeck’s list so you can get started.

Want to feel inspired to do anything? Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but Guy Kawasaki’s best-selling book The Art of the Start will help you feel ready for any challenge that comes your way, including rocking the job hunt and being the best employee ever.

Influence is important no matter whom you’re trying to persuade, and Robert Cialdini’s classic book needs to be at the top of your list.

“But I’m not a writer!” you might be saying. Whether it’s a resume or a tweet, no matter what you’re creating, it’s important to know how to market yourself through the written word. The good news? This book can get you there!

Why do certain products and ideas catch on? Jonah Berger has the answer, and using his advice, you’ll be able to not only come up with the next big contagious ideas, but you’ll also be able to show others why they should invest in you, too.

Learning how to negotiate is a big part of growing up, and no matter what your endeavor, understanding compromise will serve you well.

Think OnDeck’s suggestions are awesome? Their book list isn’t the only thing that’s great about the company; they’ve got an amazing culture and great team members, too. Check out their positions on WayUp and apply now!

#Learn #Market #Books #Thatll #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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