Why Philips Lighting is a Great Place for Data Scientists and Engineers #Philips #Lighting #Great #Place #Data #Scientists #Engineers

If you’ve recently graduated or are gearing up for graduation with a degree in computer science, data science or something similar, congrats—you’ve got a super exciting time ahead of you! Your skills and talents are highly desired and they’re also in short supply. Get ready for a whole lot of companies to try to persuade you to work for them (it’s pretty much as competitive as D1 athletics).

But there’s one company you may not be considering just yet, and it just might offer the best opportunity for recent engineering, developer and data science grads: Philips Lighting.  

While you may know Philips Lighting as the company that produces those lightbulbs your parents somehow always forget to pick up at the grocery store, they’re doing a whole lot more than that. For aspiring engineers, data scientists and developers, Philips Lighting serves up all the perks of working at both a big, enterprise company and an innovative startup—all wrapped into one workplace.

Here are a few reasons Philips Lighting could be the perfect place for you to work.

They’re Leading the Charge on “Connected Lighting”

A few years ago, did you ever think people would be using a smartphone to control the lights in their apartment? Thanks to Philips Lighting, that’s now a reality. Their lights work with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Homekit and other IoT platforms to give people even more control over Hue’s LED technology. That means anyone can buy a kit and download an app that lets them control all lights in a room or an entire house without lifting a finger (or just by tapping their phone).


… And Helping Whole Buildings Save a Ton of Energy in the Process

For places larger than an apartment or a house, connected lighting means completely transforming how massive buildings regulate lights. Philips Lighting helps them cut down power consumption, increase efficiency and make overall building management much, much easier.

They’ve Built a Lasting Lighting Legacy

Lots of tech companies looking for engineers and developers are relatively new on the scene, but Philips Lighting has been around for more than 126 years. And there’s a reason for that. Weathering the ups and downs of the tech world over the years means Philips has created a product that’s always needed—and they’ve figured out how to constantly improve that product with innovative technologies.

They Have Global Offices with Silicon Valley Culture and Perks

Sure, a lot of developer and engineering jobs are based in Silicon Valley, but relocating to the Bay Area isn’t for everyone. With employees in more than 70 countries and offices across the US, Philips Lighting offers competitive compensation, benefits and perks all over the world. So go ahead and choose the location you want to call home.

You’ll See Your Work in Action

Philips Lighting isn’t just a manufacturer, they’re also an innovator and a partner to other companies. That means you’ll get the chance to apply your developer and engineering skills across an array of different product areas that extend well beyond just back-end and UX/UI programming. And you’ll see that work in action on a big scale. For example, Seattle’s ATLAS Workbase just selected Philips Lighting as a partner to digitize the lighting controls in its office. Talk about work that tons of people see all day, every day.

You’ll Be Working on Amazing Projects Out of the Gate

No busywork here. Employees at Philips Lighting get the opportunity to work on exciting and challenging tech projects from the beginning. That means you’ll be learning a ton and making a huge impact from week one. So get ready to dive right in.

Convinced that Philips Lighting is the ideal place to grow your engineering or data science career? They’re currently hiring for role like Complex Systems Data Mining Intern, Engineering Technician Intern and Design Engineer Intern.

#Philips #Lighting #Great #Place #Data #Scientists #Engineers

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