Summer Internships: What Do Students Really Want? | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Summer #Internships #Students #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

Lots of college students, especially rising Seniors, are looking for a Summer Internship. Whether it’s pressure from their parents, their school, or simply their inner drive, students are on the lookout come first day of Spring Semester. However, as part-time jobs and internships become more commonplace, students are looking for more than just a resume-filler, they want the real-deal… a fully immersive experience.

At WayUp, we talk to students all day, everyday. We asked them what they look for when applying to Summer Internships and to rank between pay, location, and relevance to major.

Here are the results:

-45% say relevance to major is top priority.

-34% say location is their first priority. 

-21% say pay is top priority.

And here’s what they had to say:

-“A job I can see myself doing in 5 years.”

-“Something that will actually provide me with valuable insight into the industry, not just making coffee.”

-“We know we’re only around for 3 months, but let’s make them count!”

“Pay is obviously always nice but, if the experience is valuable then I’m good.”

Most college students are looking for a Summer Internship that is going to educate them about an industry, sharpen their skill set, and provide relevant experience for their future. So, the question is, what can you do as a company to maximize their experience and attract future all-stars?

Here are 3 failproof tips:

  1. Create an inclusive culture. Culture defines a company, and while interns may only be in the office for a few months, they are, inevitably, a part of it. Include interns in meetings when possible, let them in on the running office jokes, have lunch with them, and truly make them feel a part of the team.
  1. Give your intern a project. Whether your intern is a rising Freshman or Junior, the word “internship” does imply a certain level of grunt-work. However, at the end of the day students are looking to learn, and they’re looking for a worthwhile take-away. Give your summer intern a project that they can take full ownership over. Have them see it through and execute it from beginning to end, while providing key metrics and structural updates throughout the process.
  1. Ask what they want to learn. Never underestimate the power of passion. If you want your summer interns to give their all, ask them what they’re most interested in executing. We promise they’ll deliver better results than if you ask them to print & fax your invoices.

The right internship can truly make the difference in the trajectory of a college students career path. By cultivating their experience, and taking their internship seriously, you can make sure that your intern has a summer they can write home about. Not to mention, you’ll get some awesome work done in the process!

#Summer #Internships #Students #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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