How to Overcome an Internship Rejection | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Overcome #Internship #Rejection #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

You carefully filled out the application and prepared for hours for your interview. You thought the interview went really well until you receive that email in your inbox that says, “the position has been filled.” It’s impossible not to be upset about a negative response, especially when it’s an internship you really wanted, maybe even your dream internship, but that doesn’t mean you should let it get you down. Everyone has been rejected from a job or two and it’s not an indication of failure.

Stay proactive even when faced with rejection

It can be extremely difficult to not immediately think the worst, but it’s important to remember that rejection is a natural part of life. The way that you think about it determines how you will use a rejection to fuel your actions. If you weren’t given the position because your skillset didn’t fit with what they were looking for, maybe the position was completely different than what you were expecting. The key takeaway from an internship rejection is to move forward with a positive mind and the will to continue giving the job search your all. A proactive step you can take is to apply to more internships or apply to internships that align better with your qualifications. Another important factor to keep in mind is that if you put in your best effort during the application process, you will find an internship eventually, so don’t worry too much.

Don’t take it personally

Although it’s not easy, try not to take it too personally. There are thousands of applications and possibly dozens of interviews. You could have been a great candidate, but maybe there was someone who had a little more experience or whose major was a closer fit. A rejection doesn’t mean that you had an awful resume or that your interview went terribly. Hunting for internships is competitive, so you might receive a few rejections before you receive an offer and that’s okay.

An internship rejection isn’t the end of the world. You’ve just got to keep your head held high and continue doing your research. Maybe even ask for feedback about why you didn’t get the internship so you can improve your skills for future applications and interviews. Even though rejection doesn’t seem like a positive occurrence, there is always something you can learn from it and now you know what to do better for next time.

#Overcome #Internship #Rejection #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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