How to Turn A Side Gig Into A Full-Time Job | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Turn #Side #Gig #FullTime #Job #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

It’s natural to think that a hobby is simply a pastime, but in reality, you can turn what you’re passionate about into a full-time position. The key is to be strategic about your approach and to build up your skills and resume along the way. Although it’s possible to turn any side gig into a career, I’m going to focus on how to break into a career in the creative industry, specifically in writing.

Love what you’re doing.

Though this may seem obvious, if you’re truly set on transitioning a hobby or side gig into your career, you have to thoroughly enjoy what you’re doing. Through writing, for instance, you can develop your skills for years before it becomes a full-time role. If you start off writing for your college newspaper or magazine your freshman year and realize that it’s something you love to do, you’ve already begun setting yourself up on the right path.

Take advantage of every opportunity.

Join several clubs at your university that focus on what you’re interested in. If you like to write, join creative writing and poetry clubs and try branching out to TV, radio and film organizations, because you’ll have the chance to broaden your writing skills even more. Take a stab at freelancing for national magazines and newspapers or start writing your own blog. In order to make writing your profession, it’s necessary to build your portfolio and resume through participation in extracurriculars on campus as well as other small writing jobs.

Take on a writing or editorial internship.

With a few freelance gigs under your belt, you’ll start building your writing portfolio . You can take the next step in shaping your future career by applying for writing or editorial internships at publishing houses and other media organizations. There are also many other fields, such as marketing, public relations and advertising where you can put your writing to good use as well, so make sure to consider all your options. An internship is extremely important, as it is your first professional experience in the working world, in a field in which you plan to establish yourself.

Upon graduation, apply to jobs where writing is a central component of the role.

Although you may have first started writing for your university’s newspaper, simply to be entertained, you now have the experience that you need to start your dream career. Your coursework, extracurriculars, side gigs and internships in writing have prepared you for the full-time job application and interview process. Though you might not receive an offer immediately, your enthusiasm will be evident, so you’re bound to find a job and a place where you’ll be excited to work.

It’s not easy to turn a passion into a job, because it requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but if it’s something that you truly love to do, you’re going to have fun putting in the extra time. Writing, just like with any major or field, offers you a wide range of opportunities; you just have to be ready to grab hold of them and give it your best effort.

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