3 Tips That Can Help You Win the National Intern Day Contest | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Tips #Win #National #Intern #Day #Contest #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

At WayUp, we’re proud to celebrate interns every day, but we’re especially excited about the first-ever National Intern Day, which is taking place on Thursday, July 27th. As part of the celebration, we’re highlighting the achievements of six all-star interns and giving them each a $750 gift card to retailers such as Amazon and Apple.

If you’re an awesome intern and want to maximize your chances of winning the contest, listen up! Here are some tips that can help you come out on top.

1. Be a rockstar intern!

Before you can get recognized for being an amazing intern, you have to make sure that you put in the work. This means not only completing all of the projects you’ve been assigned, but also going above and beyond to prove to your manager that you’re passionate about your job and dedicated to making an impact at the company. A great way to do this is by asking your manager if there are any additional tasks or projects you can help with. This will show them that you’re a team player who’s dedicated to adding value to the organization.

2. Get the word out about the NID contest.

Being a great intern is a wonderful first step, but it’s also important to make sure that your company knows about the contest! After all, how can they nominate you if they don’t know it exists?

Send them over to the National Intern Day site where they can learn more about the competition and nominate you in one of six categories:

Design & Creative Intern
Marketing & Communications Intern
Product & Engineering Intern
Sales & Biz Dev Intern
Operations & Finance Intern
“Learn it All” Intern

In addition, ask them to pledge to participate in National Intern Day and commit to doing something special to celebrate their interns on July 27th!

3. Be your own PR person.

A little self-promotion never hurt anyone, especially when it comes to winning a contest.

While we’re not suggesting you walk around telling your co-workers how great you are at your job, we do think you should mention the contest, and tell them that you’re excited about it and would like to be recognized. A subtle mention during a coffee meeting and a few social shares will let your friends and colleagues know that you’re excited about National Intern Day and would like to be considered for a chance to win.

PS: Remind them that there are also awards for managers and programs too!

Ready to boost your chances of winning? Head over to the contest site to get started!

#Tips #Win #National #Intern #Day #Contest #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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