What It’s Like to Be a Financial Services Intern #Financial #Services #Intern

Think you know what it’s like to work in financial services? Does that opinion include things like long hours, a stressful environment and intense competition with your coworkers? Well, we’re here to tell you that not all financial services firms are created equal. Despite that reputation, you can still find a job in financial services that’s full of friendly coworkers, engaging projects and plenty of opportunities to learn and grow. That’s why life at global asset management firm OppenheimerFunds will probably surprise you (in a good way, of course). Read on to find out what it’s like to be an intern on the OppenheimerFunds team.

You’ll Get Hands-On Experience

Yes, even as an intern. Throughout the OppenheimerFunds internship program, interns work together on a summer project that’s incredibly relevant to the business. One group might research and choose companies to invest in, then pitch their recommendations to the investment team. In the technology department, interns get to pitch an idea for an investment app to the OppenheimerFunds technology team, then work on turning their idea into a real, working app.

Your Hard Work WILL Get Noticed

Everyone wants to see their work make an impact and there’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like “just another employee” (or intern). That’s why the team at OppenheimerFunds makes sure everyone is recognized for their achievements and can see how their work is making the company better. It certainly helps that OppenheimerFunds is a smaller firm, too. Here’s a great example of this approach in action: all interns get to present their final projects to the CTO, and several interns may walk away from that presentation with full-time job offers.

You’ll Have a Strong Support System

OppenheimerFunds has an impressive intern mentorship program that pairs interns with an employee in their department who graduated from college two or three years ago (which means they were also an intern recently). Having a go-to person to share their own career path and answer any questions makes navigating a brand-new internship way more fulfilling. Each mentor goes through a company training program to help them be a great resource throughout the summer. Another great source of support? OppenheimerFunds runs a weekly Senior Leadership Series for interns where ten company leaders (one per week) joins interns at the lunch table to share advice, talk about their jobs and answer questions.

It’s Not All Work

Chances are, you’ll make friends with your fellow interns just by working together on summer projects and being in the office together for 10 weeks. But OppenheimerFunds goes one step further for its interns with a whole suite of summer social activities like basketball games, bowling and happy hours. It’s all in place to help interns increase their networking skills and feel like an integral part of the OppenheimerFunds team.

See yourself at OppenheimerFunds? They’re hiring now for positions like Client Services Associate and Financial Analyst. Head over to WayUp and apply!

#Financial #Services #Intern

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