Last Chance to Enter the National Intern Day Contest | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Chance #Enter #National #Intern #Day #Contest #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

‘National Intern Day seems like such a cool idea, but it’s only the first day. It’s July 6th and I’ve got until July 27th. I’ve got plenty of time to check out and submit a nomination. I’m not going to worry about it just yet.’

Perhaps this is what you’ve been saying to yourself over the past few weeks as you read our internship articles, watched our video content, tuned into our Facebook live sessions and discussed the new holiday with your friends, family and co-workers, but now the last day to submit a nomination has arrived and it’s time to stop procrastinating. With National Intern Day launches today, July 27th and there are several reasons why you should still get in those last-minute nominations and enter the contest.

You’ll make someone’s day.

Whether you nominate yourself, your cousin or your internship manager, you will make someone’s day when that person checks their email to find that they have been nominated for an intern award. The purpose of National Intern Day is to recognize the interns and the companies that employ them for putting so much effort into what they do every day and letting people know that their work is valued and important will definitely put a smile on their face (or on your own).

You’ll have your name attached to the first-ever holiday celebrating internships.

Internships have changed immensely over the years. The majority of internships used to consist of interns fetching coffee, making copies and running errands all day, while now most internships help students establish themselves in the professional world and direct them on their career paths. So whether you’ve had five internships or you’ve yet to have an internship, entering the contest will strengthen the reputation of internships, which will affect how they are conducted in the years to come.

You’ll learn.

Maybe you’re thinking that you couldn’t possibly learn anything by simply entering information and clicking a button, but National Intern Day is about so much more than that. You’ll have the chance to learn about some of the best internship programs in the country as well as the qualifications of a good intern, which will help you in your job search and throughout your professional life.

The reasons to enter the contest are endless, so take a few minutes to submit your favorite intern or your favorite intern program now at before it’s too late. You’ll be glad you did!

Want to find out more about National Intern Day and how you can win a cash prize? Head over to to get the scoop.

#Chance #Enter #National #Intern #Day #Contest #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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