6 Ways to Make a Big Impact at Your New Job #Ways #Big #Impact #Job

Whether it’s your first day, week or month at a new job, getting used to a fresh set of responsibilities and navigating an unfamiliar workplace is never easy. That’s why we asked six Accenture Federal Services team members to share their best tips for making a big impact and building a career you love. Wherever you work, their words of wisdom will help you go from new kid in the office to star employee in no time.

Eng Gin Moe
College: Georgetown University
Graduation Year: 2016
Major: Computer Information Systems
College Major: Foreign Service, Science, Technology and International Affairs
Job at Accenture Federal Services: Management Consulting Analyst
Advice: Find what you’re passionate about
“When I first joined Accenture Federal, I knew I was very interested in the nonprofit group. In the first few weeks when I was unstaffed (waiting to be assigned to a group), I took the opportunity to talk to individuals associated with that group, and eventually found my way onto the nonprofit core team. I would recommend that you find an area of Accenture Federal or a client you really admire and talk to the team in charge.”

Celia Dyer
College: University of Virginia
Graduation Year: 2015
Major: Systems and Information Engineering, Economics
Job at Accenture Federal Services: Software Business Implementation Senior Analyst
Advice: Get out of your comfort zone
The best advice I ever received was that being out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn. Also, reach out for mentors. I think there is a lot of value in getting new perspectives about present and future roles, and I have yet to find anyone (from my peers to Managing Directors) who isn’t willing to help.”

Delaney Cave
College: James Madison University
Graduation Year: 2016
Major: Computer Science
Job at Accenture Federal Services: System Developer Analyst
Advice: Embrace challenges and learn from your mistakes
“Keep an open mind, be willing to learn new things and face challenges every day. Take failure and disappointment and use that as a tool for motivation.”

Cam Hoang Pham
College: George Mason University
Graduation Year: 2014
Major: Applied Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering
Job at Accenture Federal Services: DevOps Analyst
Advice: Build your network
System Developer Analyst is an entry-level role, so you need to build your network [to advance in your career]. The sooner you start, the easier your career development will be.”

Raelena Kniff
College: Virginia Tech
Graduation Year: 2013 (Masters Degree 2014)
Major: Public Affairs: Global Development; Masters in Public Administration
Job at Accenture Federal Services: Digital & Mobile Functional Analyst
Best Advice: Create your personal brand
Identify what differentiates you and spotlight how you’ve excelled in that given area—bonus points if this skillset or passion was pursued outside or beyond the class syllabus. It’s more impactful to have a story showcasing that you were self-motivated enough to accomplish something that wasn’t mandated by another party.”

Ashleigh Owens
College: Howard University
Graduation Year: 2014
Major: Computer Information Systems
Job at Accenture Federal Services: Test Engineering Analyst
Best Advice: Go beyond your job title
“Be open to different experiences and positions, and come with an open mind and eagerness to learn. Make meaningful connections inside and outside of your role and specialty. Become involved outside of your everyday project responsibilities.”

Ready to put their advice into action? Check out Accenture Federal Services on WayUp to learn more.

#Ways #Big #Impact #Job

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