6 Things to Know About Working at Philips Lighting #Working #Philips #Lighting

Think about your favorite job or internship. What made you excited to come into work every day?

Whether it was the people, the projects or the chances to learn and grow, that question tells a lot about what it’s like to work for any company. That’s why we were so impressed by what these Philips Lighting team members had to say about their jobs. Read on for six things you should know about working there:

  1. Being part of a team doesn’t mean being like everyone else

Innovation doesn’t happen when you stick to the status quo, and the work happening at Philips Lighting is proof of that. “Philips Lighting has allowed me to be who I am,” says Shaifali Kumar. “I bring my own working style to my job [and] my own unique ways of problem solving.” At the same time, the team is expected to be understanding of their differences and learn and grow from one another

  1. Employees never settle for “good enough”

If you’re always thinking one (or a few) steps ahead, you’ve come to the right place. “The thrill-seeker in me is always looking for the next big thing and I do not give up easily,” says Manmath Ray who works on mobile applications. “It feels good to know that, at Philips Lighting, my drive and determination are appreciated and even encouraged.” How many companies expect employees to use their imaginations to revolutionize an entire industry?

  1. Their work makes a huge—and high-tech—Impact

Ekhtiar Syed, a Big Data Engineer, works on projects related to the Internet of Things—a job that requires a lot of data analysis so everything from street lighting to industrial light installations work properly. “Ultimately, our systems derive information for illumination projects that help people and communities,” he says.

  1. They’re doing amazing things for the planet

The Philips Lighting team is in a perfect position to change how people around the world use lighting. The world needs to get smarter about how it uses electricity,” says Sandra Teh. “With 15 percent of the total global electricity use being attributed to lighting, we can make a genuine and positive difference to the way the world consumes energy in the years to come.” In other words, the company is using lighting to make the world a better and “brighter” place.

  1. They’re given a lot of flexibility

Maybe you don’t work well sitting at your desk all day. At Philips Lighting, there’s a clear understanding that not everyone needs the same environment to be productive. That’s why you can choose the work environment that suits you best. “My colleagues and my manager know that I work hard and that I’m going to get things done,” says Pamela Abraham. “I have the flexibility to be able to work from home when I need to.”

  1. They’re always innovating

As a Marketing Manager, Amandine Brun’s work has a clear impact on the people who use her company’s products, which motivates her to keep achieving great results. “If you share our passion for improving people’s lives, a marketing position at Philips Lighting may be just what you’re looking for,” she says. “You’ll be free to exercise your entrepreneurial spirit [and] develop and market innovative products.”

Ready to start your own career at Philips Lighting? They’re hiring now! Head over to WayUp, check out their open positions and apply.

#Working #Philips #Lighting

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