Intern Diary: Say Yes, Talk to Everyone, And Other Lessons I Learned As A Unilever Intern | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Intern #Diary #Talk #Lessons #Learned #Unilever #Intern #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

WayUp teamed up with seven Unilever interns who wrote about what it’s like to work for a company whose products are used by 2.5 billion people around the world. We’ll be publishing their stories over the next seven weeks. First up is Jaclyn Marchetta, a student at Manhattan College who interned on the Dove Global Skin Care team.

Ever thought about working or interning for Unilever? Here are four things I learned from my summer internship there:

Say yes.

Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Whether it’s touring a pilot plant, attending a networking event, or presenting to a group of people, take the initiative. Unilever’s internship program allows you to explore many departments, continuously learn, and step outside of your comfort zone.

Meet as many people as you can.

Internships go by much faster than you think. In between working on your final project, be sure to grow your network. Introduce yourself to scientists, managers, and directors. Do not be afraid to initiate the conversation and ask about their experiences and career paths at Unilever.

Bring something to the table.

You’ve received an internship offer and deserve to be there. Be confident and own your accomplishments. Have a presence during meetings and express opinions to your team. New ideas from a fresh mind could lead to innovative solutions. If you cannot think of a creative idea, stand up straight, make eye contact, and ask meaningful questions. And remember to be positive and always have a good attitude.

Be thankful.

Your co-workers understand that you will need help from time to time and are they’re definitely willing to help. However, when someone helps you or takes time out of his or her busy schedule to meet with you, say thank you. Most importantly, remember to pay it forward to future Unilever interns.

Explore job and internship opportunities at Unilever on WayUp! 

#Intern #Diary #Talk #Lessons #Learned #Unilever #Intern #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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