Meet Software Engineering Technology Analyst Alyssa Atherly-Alleyne #Meet #Software #Engineering #Technology #Analyst #Alyssa #AtherlyAlleyne

Just a few years ago, if you told candidates from JPMorgan Chase’s Technology Analyst Program that they’d be working at a bank after graduation, they wouldn’t have believed you. After all, they majored in information technology and information management systems—not finance. So what changed? We’ll let them answer that. This three-part series takes you inside the tech careers of JPMorgan Chase employees. First up: Alyssa Alleyne-Atherly

What do you do at JPMorgan Chase?

I just finished my first year as a Software Engineer in the Technology Analyst Program, a program for recent college grads that ends with a job placement in a specific department. Software engineers in the program focus on improving the design, analytics, development, coding, and testing of JPMorgan Chase’s software and products. Right now, I’m focused on automation, which is where technology is moving. It’s a hot topic and we are looking at new ways to deliver on this for our clients and customers.

If someone told you a few years ago that you’d be working for a bank, what would your response have been?

I always associated a job at a bank with being a teller. I never realized there were so many opportunities for a technology career. Until you’re in it, you don’t really think about all the technical work that goes into a transaction. It’s this technical work that allows us to creatively support millions of customers, clients, and employees worldwide.

Can you give an example or two of how JPMorgan Chase has helped you grow as a professional since you joined?

When it comes to technology, you have the opportunity to wear so many different hats here. We have an agile work environment where we’re always interacting with team members, learning from each other, and working to solve problems together. You might expect to find this type of environment at a startup, not at a large firm. But, it definitely exists at JPMorgan Chase.

What are some of the coolest things JPMorgan Chase does with technology? 

We’re using machine learning to help make recommendations for investment banking and to help review legal documents. On the consumer side, we were the first company to implement cashing checks by taking a picture of them. Now, you can even access Chase ATMs without using your debit card.

Ready to start your technology career at JPMorgan Chase? They’re hiring on WayUp now!

#Meet #Software #Engineering #Technology #Analyst #Alyssa #AtherlyAlleyne

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