This Two-Day Summer Leadership Program Could Get You Into a Top Internship Program #TwoDay #Summer #Leadership #Program #Top #Internship #Program

Each year, in 11 cities across the US, accounting students gather for CohnReznick’s two-day Summer Leadership Program. The best part? You may walk away from the program with a winter or summer internship at CohnReznick (ranked one of the top internship programs in the country by WayUp). Landing an internship there will also up your chance of landing a job at the firm after graduation.

Here’s what happens during those two days:

You’ll learn what it takes to build a successful career in public accounting
Four-hundred current CohnReznick employees attended the last Summer Leadership Program. They represented all career levels at the firm, all the way up to Partners, giving students a one-of-a-kind networking opportunity and a chance to hear about life at a mid-size national accounting firm from the people who experience it every day. You’ll also walk away with a better understanding of the career opportunities CohnReznick offers.

You’ll participate in a leadership skills workshop
At CohnReznick, leadership isn’t just reserved for employees in top roles at the firm. Interns are encouraged to make their voices and ideas heard. On day one of the program, last year’s students were challenged to define what it meant to be a leader by reading quotes from famous leaders and discussing which ones they identified with the most.

… and a communication skills workshop
Whether you’re a student, an intern, or you’ve been working in the same job for decades, there’s always room to communicate better. For the second workshop of the Summer Leadership Program, students were split into groups and given LEGO blocks. Each member of the group had a specific role in the project, challenging students to communicate clearly and effectively to build the best project possible before time was up. At the end of both workshops, CohnReznick employees reviewed the results of each workshop and gave valuable feedback that students would use to help them win a case competition the following day.

You may walk away with a winter or summer internship
Can a two-day event really change your accounting career? The answer is “yes”. No matter what, you’ll walk away with new skills and a better understanding of the accounting industry, but those 400 CohnReznick employees who attend the Summer Leadership Program are also there to identify students that are a great fit for a CohnReznick internship. How many companies offer an opportunity like that?

Last year, over 200 students from 74 schools across the country attended CohnReznick’s Summer Leadership Program in their city. Will you be one of them this year? Head over to WayUp now and apply.

  • Tags:
  • accounting,
  • Business,
  • careers at cohnreznick,
  • cohnreznick summer leadership program,
  • finance,
  • growth,
  • how to get an accounting internship,
  • internships at cohnreznick,
  • postgrad,
  • productivity,
  • senior,
  • sponsored,
  • underclassman

#TwoDay #Summer #Leadership #Program #Top #Internship #Program

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