5 of the Most Overlooked Networking Opportunities for Students #Overlooked #Networking #Opportunities #Students

The act of networking can happen in any place, at any time and under just about any circumstance. From big-time events made specifically for this type of relationship building or in the smallest and least typical moments in life, you might find a chance to reach out, shake a hand and potentially cause a chain of reactions which can lead to the career breakthrough or collaboration you’ve always dreamed of.

No matter what the chances are, here are a few opportunities you might have overlooked where genuine and beneficial relationships can be made.

1. Your Current Job 

Let’s say you had to take a server job at a local burger joint or pick up the night shift at your school’s library; no matter what it is you’re currently doing to pay your bills and keep your fridge full, there is a networking opportunity available to you!

There are plenty of supervisors and managers who are willing to connect students who work hard for them with perhaps professional and even personal connections of their own. Even if all you manage to receive is a stellar letter of reference, that will take you one step closer towards potentially fulfilling the career of your dreams. Don’t let the rough shifts and maybe uninteresting tasks fool you otherwise.

2. “Meet & Greet” Events

There are plenty of events hosted by your school and local organizations with the purpose of bringing all kinds of like-minded individuals all under one roof. That’s where you should be, in the panel discussions hosted by your department chair or at the rally where important social issues are being discussed. That is where you are going to find people who have the same passion, whether it’s biological sciences or climate control. Grab a planner and take note of these days lest you miss out on some fantastic “matches!”

3. Your Social Media Networks

Use your social media accounts for more than just sharing memes and commenting on each other’s selfies. There are millions of companies right now in every field and industry in the world waiting to hear from you. Send a tweet to your all-time Wall Street role model or comment on a reporter’s article, asking an important question that shares a fresh point-of-view. Participate in weekly Twitter chats or in Facebook groups, and watch as the right people come along, willing to connect with you and discuss your favorite topics further, leading to the kind of constructive and inspirational relationships your network should be made out of.

4. Daily Commutes

If you take the train or bus (or even walk) to travel around, you are bound to eventually notice familiar faces going in your same direction, especially if you’re doing this multiple days around the same time.

Yes, there’s the age-old belief implanted in us as children of “not talking to strangers”, but come on; these are your co-workers, classmates, neighbors, you name it. Strike up a conversation with them while you’re waiting for a bus or for the street sign to say “walk.” If you’re seeing them frequently enough, chances are they’ve been noticing you too. Get to know your commute buddies better, small moments at a time, and eventually, you just might create a relationship that can carry beyond what would be your typical walk or train ride.

5. Your Local Newspaper Or Blog

This is not an opportunity reserved for just for established writers and editors! There are plenty of college-related publications and blogs that are always looking for the next voice of your generation.

Not only is this a fantastic chance to share your point-of-views with your community and age-group, but you will also find yourself quickly being established as an authority on whatever it is you’re writing about. This can easily lead to readers and fans to remember your name as someone who is driven and in love with a cause or industry, making you a point of contact for anyone seeking to further the conversation or offer you an opportunity to discuss the topic in other venues and forms. Sometimes networking isn’t about who you know, but about who knows you instead.

Remember, networking is all about creating valuable relationships, which can hopefully last a long time and benefit both sides in your quest to live your ideal life. Take any chance you get to talk to someone about your major, your aspirations or what you’re passionate about! Use the unexpected and the overlooked moments in your college life to set up the future you’ve always wanted.

#Overlooked #Networking #Opportunities #Students

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