Six Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Job Offer After Your Internship Ends #Ways #Increase #Chances #Job #Offer #Internship #Ends

Raise your hand if you’ve ever thought about how to turn an internship into a full-time job.

Of course we take internships to learn a ton about the company and get amazing hands-on experience, but we also take them to increase our chances of working for that company after graduation.

In fact, that’s a great reason to take an internship! That’s why we talked to the team at John Deere who shared six ways to increase your odds of getting hired.

Join all the activities.

Alex Graupmann started as a John Deere intern and ultimately landed a job there as a property accountant. His key to standing out as an intern? Getting involved in everything from factory tours to sports leagues. John Deere has so many networking opportunities for interns, so make it a priority to attend, even if you don’t know anyone. It may seem intimidating, but it’s worth it! You’ll get to connect with other interns outside of work, and you might also meet your future manager and get to chat with them in a more casual setting.

Find your niche.

Whether you’re one of a few summer interns or one of many (some John Deere locations have over 100 interns), finding a way to make yourself stand out could increase your odds of getting a job offer. For example, maybe you have a knack for designing PowerPoint presentations and can volunteer your time. Let your skills and interests shine through and you’ll be on the right track.

Soak up as much information as possible.

If you plan to go after a full-time job, you’ll want to use your internship to build as much knowledge as possible. For example, it might help to figure out the intricacies of Excel and other programs you’ll be working closely with. And learn everything you can about the company and your coworkers, too. It’s a great way to show everyone that you’re in it for the long haul.

Figure out what you want. Then share it!

Luciano Moriguchi interned at John Deere and was eventually hired full-time as a Supplier Quality Engineer. His mentor shared this great advice with him that works whether you’re an intern or an employee: “Communicate the experiences you’d like to have and the career path you hope to follow. Once they have that information, your manager, supervisor, or mentor can open doors for you. So be ready before your first day with a few experiences you’re hoping to have.”

Go beyond your own department.

Odds are, you were assigned to a specific group for your internship. But that shouldn’t stop you from exploring everything else that’s going on at the company. Jenny Farmer, an accountant at John Deere who landed a job as an accountant after graduation, used her internship time to learn about John Deere’s different products and business areas. No matter what role you’re going after, understanding how the company operates even before you work there full time can be a huge advantage.

Treat your internship like one big interview.

No pressure, right? Jennifer Gibson, a Supply Management Specialist, shared this advice from her own days as a John Deere intern: “Displaying professionalism, industriousness, and a positive attitude will help you stand out and show that you’re ready to be a full-time professional.”

See yourself at John Deere? They’re hiring now on WayUp for roles like their Environmental Engineering Development Program!

#Ways #Increase #Chances #Job #Offer #Internship #Ends

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