Top 3 Tips For Social Media Networking | Job and Internship Advice, Companies to Work for and More #Top #Tips #Social #Media #Networking #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

Many companies have a strong social media presence, so having an active social media presence is a great way to build your network and start branding yourself. You can reach a wide range of companies and individuals through social media and ensure that you keep yourself at the top of their minds throughout your job search. More and more students are finding jobs and internships through social media, so follow these tips to brush up on your networking skills and maybe you’ll be next.

1. Create a WayUp profile.

WayUp isn’t just a job site; it offers users amazing networking opportunities as well, because you have the chance to showcase both your skillset and your unique personality.The structure of your profile emphasizes the importance of hobbies and extracurricular activities as much as it does your work experience and coursework, so employers gain a better sense of who you are. Perhaps one of WayUp’s best features is that employers can request for you to apply to their jobs, so even if you’re not actively applying for positions, the more detail you include in your profile, the more likely you are to be contacted. In addition to reaching employers, you can expand your network within your university too by following and connecting with other individuals, including fellow students and recent grads.

2. Follow company social media channels.

Many companies dedicate a lot of time and effort to their social media channels and use them as a way to connect with potential employees. Follow companies you’re interested in on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media profiles they may have. Pay close attention to how they conduct their social media accounts including the written and video content that they post. Be engaged. Like or comment on a company’s posts or send a direct message if you particularly like a video, an image, or an article. Following a brand on social media will help you learn more about a company and having that knowledge will give you a leg up in a cover letter application or an interview.

3. Include your university major or profession in your social media bios.

When you apply for a job or internship or even when a recruiter is scrolling through social media accounts to find talent, having a professional social media presence will win you major brownie points. Ensure that all of your social media accounts represent the brand that you’ve built for yourself, because many companies will use your social media to gauge your personality. If your social media presence showcases that you’re a university student majoring in biology and that you are actively looking for an internship in your field, your profiles will stand out from those that don’t include that information.

Networking is so much more than just a networking event or two, so in order to get ahead of the game, make sure to beef up your social media networking skills. If you follow these tips, you’ll be off to a great start!

#Top #Tips #Social #Media #Networking #Job #Internship #Advice #Companies #Work

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