This Company Has A Program That Helps College Grads Transition To The 9-To-5 World #Company #Program #Helps #College #Grads #Transition #9To5 #World

When you transition to a new job, especially your first full-time gig out of college, it’s easy to feel like you’re, well, a poser.

This can be particularly true for those with the most talent and experience. Overachievers in particular are usually their own harshest critics. This phenomenon is so widespread that it even has its own name: Impostor Syndrome.

So, how do you beat Impostor Syndrome? Avanade, a leading global digital innovator, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, has Ignition, a program designed to bridge the gap between academic life and the working world. It’s engineered for their newest post-grad hires, so that they can fight imposter syndrome, and it’s backed by a supportive company culture and tons of learning and development opportunities.

The Avanade Ignition Program

Working at Avanade, you could travel the country (and possibly the world) to meet clients that rely on you to optimize their use of business technology. This is a massive, exciting responsibility that means leading global companies will look to you—yes, YOU!—for answers. But before you’re ready to answer their questions, Avanade will have you answer a few of their own with an intense 5-week training program that includes classes, remote study, project simulations, and—finally—your first real assignment.

Bridging The Gap Between College And The Working World

If you’re hired at Avanade, chances are you were at the top of the pack at your university. That means these sessions will be your dream version of school: You’ll get paid to learn and every one of them is relevant to working-world experiences. Plus, everyone’s as eager and dedicated as you are, making it the ultimate learning environment.

The way the program progresses enables you to perfectly transition from an all-in learner to an all-in doer. For the first three weeks, you’ll be learning about the company, meeting your peers, and undergoing technical training to understand the technologies the firm uses. After week three, you’ll take on business responsibilities as you join your simulation team in Chicago. Once you’ve completed your simulated project, you’ll tackle your first project on an actual assignment in the region for which you were hired.

From Post-Grad to Promotion And Beyond

If five weeks doesn’t sound like enough time to prepare for the working world, don’t worry. The company also has their “Go Orange” onboarding program to help you through your first year and beyond, in addition to the 80+ hours you’ll receive every year for professional development. You’ll get your own career advisor who will help you set professional goals and pick the right training so you can get to the next level.

What better way to quickly move up than to build a massive network and acquire new skills and certifications? Regardless of where your career journey takes you, you’ll develop so many skills and establish so many connections at Avanade that you’ll be well-positioned for whatever direction you choose. Plus, as a consultant, you’ll get to help businesses around the world implement and launch new technologies.

Interested in starting your career with a program made to boost recent grads? Learn more about Avanade on WayUp!

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