My Company Encouraged Me To Get A New Job—And I’m So Happy They Did #Company #Encouraged #JobAnd #Happy

If you’re like most people and your boss told you, “I think it’s time you got a new job,” then your first reaction would probably be to totally lose it. But if you worked at Northern Trust, a Chicago-headquartered global financial services giant, then you’d know that changing jobs is just a part of the company culture.

At Northern Trust, there’s no such thing as getting stuck in a rut. They don’t only allow you to change teams, departments and business units—they encourage it. This means you can continue to grow and learn in a meaningful way, long after you’ve passed the internship phase of your career.

Here are three job-switching success stories that demonstrate the power of changing lanes.

HANNA, Scrum Master On The Blockchain Project: Finding The Tech In “Fin-Tech”

Though Hanna was a finance major in college, she didn’t know exactly what in finance she wanted to do. But after getting her first post-grad job at Northern Trust, she was able to find her way to the business-meets-tech role that she occupies now, all thanks to their flexibility.

“I kind of did a weird roundabout into tech. I was in financial reporting for a little. I was in the project management office for a little bit. I’ve already gotten to see different aspects and departments of Northern Trust in a short amount of time!” she says.


“It was nice that there was flexibility, and I was able to find a department where I thought my skillset aligned. Where I ended up excelling was in a liaison role between business and tech,” she says.

Getting a new job at Northern Trust wasn’t a punishment—it was something she chased down in pursuit of an even more fulfilling role. And it wasn’t just promotion-hunting, either. “It’s not always about climbing upward,” Hanna says. “It’s about finding a role where you can develop professionally and diversify your career path.”

After being exposed to multiple positions during her time at Northern Trust, Hanna found a challenge that brought out the best in her—to everyone’s benefit.

SHAREE, Client Services Rep: From Customer Service To The Investment Track

Sharee started as an intern at Northern Trust. So, for her, getting a new job at the company has always meant moving up. After graduation, she was hired as a Client Services Representative, taking calls from clients to help them sort out any questions or issues they had. This summer, she moved onto the Investments Track of the Northern Trust Rotational Development Program.

“The skills I picked up—teamwork, being able to anticipate clients’ needs, background knowledge from private equity—helped me transition to my current role,” she says. She credits her success not only to the skills she acquired along the way but also to the relationships she made.

After connecting with her peers and mentors, Sharee learned what it took to move up into this new role, which made the process more straightforward and transparent.


The flexibility of Northern Trust’s corporate structure allowed Sharee to build the skills she needed to genuinely advance her career. It also gave her the satisfaction of well-earned success. “Moving from [being an] intern to being in a full-time position made me feel proud,” she says.

IVAN, Rotational Development Program Credit Track: The Teenager-Turned-Banker

Ivan started as an intern, too—when he was in high school.

Tons of companies pay lip service to the idea that they invest in their employees’ potential. But few companies can say they truly take you from point A to point Z (and beyond) like Northern Trust has with Ivan (and many others).

Though while growing up he wanted to be a doctor, Ivan says that working with Northern Trust “definitely opened up my eyes.” After that, Ivan knew that he wanted to study something related to finance. On that front, his mentors at the company even helped him pick his college major.

In the time since, Ivan has tackled a handful of positions at the firm that rounded out his education. Now he’s right where he wants to be on the credit track. His moves were fast, but, he says, he’s been prepared for them. “I’m not surprised by anything I’m currently doing in my role,” he explains. “But taking a step back at my entire journey, what’s surprising is Northern Trust’s willingness to work with me on identifying what I actually want to do.”

For Northern Trust, Investment Is More Than Just A Banking Term

If an employer constantly challenges you to get new skills, it’s an excellent sign that it’s a firm that wants you to stay for the long haul. But it’s no wonder that a company that has guided people like Ivan and Sharee since high school and college is so open to letting them build skills. At Northern Trust, they know that the talent they bring in can and will become the future leaders of the company—especially when you give them the opportunity to get there.

Want to work for a company that invests in its employees? Northern Trust is hiring on WayUp, so check out their open positions and apply now!

#Company #Encouraged #JobAnd #Happy

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