Is One Of The Hottest Tech Internship Programs At A Company You’ve Known Since You Were A Kid? #Hottest #Tech #Internship #Programs #Company #Youve #Kid

Do you ever feel like a brand is the same age as you are? Well, even for modern tech companies, that can actually be the case.

And just like the members of a given generation (such as ours), some of these tech companies have matured faster than others. They’ve switched it up, learned a lot, and emerged as better, fuller versions of themselves.

One such company is T-Mobile. Over the past five years, T-Mobile has totally disrupted the wireless industry. You’re probably familiar with how they’ve done away with hidden fees, limited plans, and long-term contracts. You might also know that they are building 5G tech with Nokia (they grew up, too!) and that they’re starting a TV streaming service as an alternative to cable contracts. T-Mobile has grown from just another wireless carrier into the Wireless Un-carrier®.

And now that you’re grown up, too, you can be a part of it.

An Internship With T-Mobile Is A Chance To Shake Up The Tech World

Modern tech internships aren’t just about Silicon Valley startups and electric scooters. They’re about making an impact on people’s lives. We’re a generation who grew up on stories about the power of tech and what the future could look like. And even though we don’t have flying cars (yet), we do have some pretty amazing stuff.

Wireless connects people—to their friends, family, education, things they love, and new ideas all around the world. T-Mobile has taken the classic Spiderman advice and turned its great power into a call for social responsibility on the part of wireless companies. And they’re leading the way.

T-Mobile is Pushing Wireless AND Tech Culture Forward

Forget about companies that can’t catch up with modern life. T-Mobile lets you come to work as you are. Dress like yourself. Think like yourself. Just #BeYou. One of the best reasons to intern at T-Mobile is its policy of drawing innovation from every level and department within the company.

Whether you’re into marketing, analytics, sales, computer science, art, general management, or most any other field, you’ll likely find a position at T-Mobile that aligns with your interests. And the company cares what you think. Your voice will be heard and respected. Tech companies aren’t just about hacking and product announcements. If you’ve got an idea that could make life better for people everywhere, the company you work for should be a venue for making that happen—and that’s what T-Mobile is.

If you want to build the best in 5G, free people from restrictive contracts, and help EVERYONE connect, then you should check out opportunities at T-Mobile on WayUp right now!

#Hottest #Tech #Internship #Programs #Company #Youve #Kid

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