Celebrate Small-Business Saturday By Applying To Internships At These Startups And These Local Companies #Celebrate #SmallBusiness #Saturday #Applying #Internships #Startups #Local #Companies

Small Business Saturday is a celebration of the local, young, or otherwise smaller-scale businesses in our lives. It’s a day of sales, communal pride, and—of course—shopping. But this year, how about appreciating these companies in a different way? How about making some money instead of spending it? (Although, feel free to do both.)

In the spirit of the holiday, we’ve put together a list of amazing jobs and internships hiring right now at some incredible small businesses. From tech medical tech startups to brick-and-mortar designer stores, we’ve got it all.

This beauty startup based in NYC’s fashionable SoHo neighborhood is the perfect place to learn the ins and outs of digital marketing at a fast-paced company. This is a double win for SBS because not only is Snailz a startup, but the team helps their users book nail salon appointments with local businesses through the app and online.

This Brooklyn-based retailer of fine and exotic furniture seeks a social media-savvy, clever copywriting intern to join its marketing team. A brick-and-mortar showroom with an online presence? This place couldn’t be more SBS or ideal for an intern trying to get experience in the marketing world.

Small businesses just love marketing interns, right?

The Farm SoHo is a co-working space located on prime Manhattan real estate. It’s a space for creators, businesses, and other endeavors to bring their teams and get work done without the hassle and risk of committing to a full-blown office lease.

Work on a diverse team handling everything from business-y, excel-heavy analysis to social media marketing for this home decor startup with an—obviously—beautiful office space.

Bonus: Become Your Own Small Business

Of course, if you’re truly enamored with the idea of small businesses, why not start your own? It doesn’t have to be a startup that goes through an alphabet of funding rounds and a 15-minute spot on Shark Tank (although, it certainly could be).

You can just start your own business with a side hustle. Become your own dog-sitting, tutoring, delivering, or marketing business when you pick up a side-gig. To get you started, we’ve even put together a list of the four best side hustles for your resume (and your wallet).

This is just a (very) small sampling of the small businesses hiring on WayUp. So, go and celebrate them in the best way your college-aged self can: Apply to work there. And you can start here on WayUp.

#Celebrate #SmallBusiness #Saturday #Applying #Internships #Startups #Local #Companies

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