5 Things You Need To Do In Every Aerospace & Defense Job Interview #Aerospace #Defense #Job #Interview

No two industries are the same. Every industry
and field demands a unique combination of skills, temperament, and ambition.
That’s also why no two interviews are the same. Even within the engineering
field, a tech startup interview is going to vary widely from a
telecommunications interview.

This is especially true in the aerospace and
defense industry. Companies like Sierra Nevada Corporation work on everything
from spacecraft for NASA to firefighting airplanes for state governments. The
breadth and importance of their work puts a major onus on candidates to show
that they’ve got the right qualities and skills to succeed in that environment.

To get the official lowdown on how to make it
through one of these challenging interviews, we spoke with Abby, a recruiting
expert at SNC, about what every candidate should be doing in A&D

1. Showcase Your Practical Skills

“What’s different about the aerospace and
defense industry is that they’re looking for really practical skills,” Abby

The SNC team works on products that require a
vast range of software, hardware, and other technical skills, so they’re always
looking for people with a background in these fields. Whether you’re a bio
major with a passion for programming or a full-fledged electrical engineering
major, your skills will be sharpened and put to work on real projects, right

“The full expectation is that they’ll be
actively contributing to whatever team they’re on and doing the work that the
other engineers are doing as well. They all do a job on the team. They’re not
the classic intern getting coffee for people,” Abby explains.

2. Show Your Willingness To Learn

If working alongside actual rocket scientists
makes you feel intimidated, don’t worry. The number one thing the SNC team looks
for beyond a base of technical knowledge is the willingness to learn more.

That’s why curiosity and desire to learn is so
important. Nobody truly knows how to be an aircraft engine engineer or a
deep-space habitat project manager until they’ve done the job.

“We’re looking for candidates who, to be
honest, outright express a willingness to learn,” Abby says. “Candidates who
really want hands-on experience, and to contribute to a team.”

So, it’s not “I don’t know how to build a
spacecraft.” It’s “I don’t know how to build a spacecraft, yet.”

3. Answer Behavioral Questions In An Adaptable Way

Behavioral questions are common in many
interviews, but they are especially important for a position in the fast-paced aerospace
and defense industry.

“Ultimately, we want to know that students are
quick on their feet and can adapt to different situations,” Abby says. “We are
really fast-paced and innovative, and one of the things we promise is fast
turnaround for customers.”

Quick turnaround and unrelenting innovation
require a constant shifting of priorities, intelligent time management, and
well-timed communication.

That’s why SNC recruiters and hiring managers
are concerned about candidates who seem to have overly rigid thought processes,
resistance to change, and an inability to improvise.

4. Be Prepared To Be Evaluated On Your Soft Skills, Too

People skills are important, whether you are
an engineer or a communications representative.

Abby explains, “Something I’ve talked about
with a couple hiring managers is that for a long time what engineers could rely
on was: ‘Oh, I’m an engineer. I don’t have to have any communication skills or
people skills.’”

The stereotype of engineers as uncongenial or
awkward, Abby says, can lead engineers to believe people skills aren’t

“We’re looking for people who are
communicative, who are willing to be a part of a team, and [hiring managers] are
moving away from the stereotypical engineer who can’t make eye contact,” Abby

Luckily, many people who work in engineering
and computer science are friendly and loquacious. Those soft skills come in
handy when working in an innovative, collaborative organization like SNC.

5. Let Them Know How You Work On A Team

“Showcasing strong communications skills and a
willingness to learn are especially important in our environment.” Abby says, “It’s
really collaborative [here], and so being a part of a team is essential.”

Teamwork requires communication, and that may
mean knowing when to ask for help. In a fast-paced, collaborative environment,
it’s more important that you know when to ask for help rather than try to
figure something out on your own.

Your best opportunity to showcase this tendency is by giving examples of positive, savvy collaboration during your behavioral question answers. Feel free to reference times when you were in a student organization or working on a group project, because that can also demonstrate leadership skills.

Want to
learn more about working in the aerospace and defense industry? Check out more
stories and open opportunities at
Sierra Nevada
Corporation on WayUp

#Aerospace #Defense #Job #Interview

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