How To Write a Letter Of Interest for a Job #Write #Letter #Interest #Job

Job searching can be frustrating and exasperating. After spending hours scrolling through job sites or searching LinkedIn, you’re discouraged by the selection of opportunities (or the number of applicants).

So why don’t you flip the script? Instead of waiting for the right opportunity to come up, how about you ask for it? That’s what a letter of interest is for!

What Is A Letter Of Interest?

A letter of interest, also known as a letter of inquiry or statement of interest, is a formal introductory message to the hiring manager or another company representative. Effectively, you approach the company you’re interested in working for to ask if they will be hiring soon instead of waiting for a job post to come up.

Recruiters are always looking for more people for their talent pool — an internal database of people who’ve shown interest in working for their organization and/or have the qualifications and skills the company may need now or in the future. In 2023, 45% of recruiters said they were experiencing high stress levels due to the lack of qualified candidates. So your letter may be very much welcome if the company is in a crunch to hire more people fast. 

A letter of interest is a versatile tool for breaking the ice with a company and opening communication with the hiring manager or HR department. Your letter could also help you arrange an informational interview with a company representative to learn more about their operations, available roles, etc. 

Likewise, you can also approach recruitment agencies with a personalized letter of interest. Most are always looking to expand their candidate pool, and you may be getting some good opportunities.

Letter of Interest vs Cover Letter: Differences 

Your letter of interest and cover letter are different, although they may contain similar information.

A cover letter is used with your resume during the formal application for employment aka when you’re asked to fill in an online form or send required documents via email. 

The great thing about a letter of interest is that you can send one at any time, regardless of whether they’re hiring. Moreover, your letter doesn’t have to be addressed to the recruiter or HR department. You can directly approach a team manager (or even a small business owner). 

Why Use a Letter of Interest?

Using your letter as an icebreaker and getting to know the company can help you prepare for future job interviews. Through your inquiry letter, you will also establish an early connection with the company. 

Hiring managers are generally more inclined to hire someone they’re already familiar with and have some previous background knowledge about. If you’re really keen on a company, it’s worth sending a letter of interest. You might get insider information about a perfect job before it’s advertised.

This can help you stay ahead of your potential competition and give you more time to prepare your job application, do company research, and prepare for an interview.

From your chosen company’s point of view, receiving an articulate letter from a qualified applicant proves their employer’s branding efforts work. Flattery can make you stand out to potential employers. Expressing interest in their company can make you memorable, giving you an edge over other applicants. 

Recommended Letter Of Intent Format

Here is an example of a basic format to follow when creating your letter. Keep it simple and as easy to read as possible. This will help you create the best first impression.

  • Your Contact Info: Name, address, telephone number, email, and LinkedIn details.
  • Company Contact Info: Try to find a specific person within the company to whom you should address your letter. This is better than starting with “to whom it may concern.” This will show that you have done your homework.
  • Opening Paragraph: Introduce yourself and explain your inquiry.
  • Qualification/Experience Paragraph: You will have two purposes in mind here: Showing how you add value and demonstrating you have the skills and experience the company needs. 
  • Don’t list your job history: Save this for your resume. Instead, provide a quick recap of the titles you’ve held. 
  • Closing Paragraph: Always thank them for their time and say that you are available for an informational meeting at a time that suits them.

Generally, the letter of interest follows a similar format to a cover letter. But rather than being customized for a specific role, it offers a quick general introduction of your qualifications and personality. Think of it as an extended version of an elevator pitch. 

Sample Letter of Interest For a Job

Here’s an example of a letter template you could use – but remember to tailor it to fit each company you approach:

Your Name
Phone Number

Hello [Name] (remember to address a person!):

My name is Cecilia, and I am writing to you today to inquire about any possible up-and-coming vacancies in your Marketing Department. 

I’ve been impressed by your work for quite a few years and actually did my Master’s thesis about “The Role of Customer Experience in Building Brand Loyalty: A Quantitative Analysis of DTC Brands”, where I highlighted Ondly’s personalization program as an example. 

During my studies, I have worked as a part-time social media content creator, producing Instagram and TikTok content for several beauty brands. Before starting post-grad, I also worked as a customer success manager in a digital banking app. 

My resume is attached. I’ve also sent a connect request via LinkedIn to stay in touch.  

Thank you for your attention and consideration. I appreciate your time. I look forward to speaking with you about upcoming openings on your team.


How to Show Interest in a Job via Email

Did you see a promising job opportunity or a call for submissions online, but you want to clarify some details first? Reach out to the hiring manager with a shorter letter. 

Sample Email to Show Interest In the Job

Email Subject: [Name of job, role, or company] Opportunity

Hi Oska,

Your LinkedIn post from last week about new roles in Design caught my attention, and I wanted to learn more about the available opportunities. Do you have a link to the job description or perhaps we can discuss it during a call? 

I’m a UX/UI designer at a SaaS app, experienced in conducting usability testing, fireframing, design and UX writing. Prior to that, I was a UX Researcher at Neimans Norman Group, primarily doing user interviews and observational studies. 

If the above sounds like a match, I’d be happy to send a full version of my resume and provide any extra information you may need.


Sample LinkedIn Message to a Recruiter 

Reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn is another great way to learn about yet-to-be-public job opportunities. Or be among the first slew of applicants. So do a round of introductions to recruiters, working in your dream companies, or hiring for your industry. Here’s a short and sweet message to use: 

Hi [Recruiter Name], 

Saw that you’re recruiting people for [company or industry]. 
I’m a senior Java developer, previously employed by HubSpot and Stripe, Now looking for a new role.  

If you’re hiring for tech roles, I’d love to connect. 

Final Thoughts 

Don’t wait till the right job opportunity shows up in your feed. Be proactive and get on the radar of hiring managers in your industry to receive private invites to interviews. The recruitment industry runs on referrals — and a compelling letter of interest helps you get these!


  • Elena Prokopets

    Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice… more

#Write #Letter #Interest #Job

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