3 Reasons Why iSolved Is The Perfect Place To Start Your Sales Career #Reasons #iSolved #Perfect #Place #Start #Sales #Career

Getting your start in sales can be
challenging. Not only do you have to learn about your company and industry, you
also have to learn about sales itself. No matter what you studied in college,
sales is a field that requires a ton of tactical knowledge and hands-on

So, if you want to start a career in sales,
it’s essential to find a company that helps you bridge the gap between college
graduate and full-fledged sales professional.

iSolved Human Capital Management—the leader in
tech-enabled people management solutions—is one of those companies. And to get
an inside look at why and how they strive to make their entry-level
opportunities so engaging for new grads, we spoke to their Sales team’s leader,
Stu Story.

1. iSolved’s Training Program Will Get You Ramped In Just 90 Days

The training program is the key to any
entry-level sales role, and the Inside Sales Executives at iSolved go through
a program designed and overseen by Vice President of Sales, Stu Story.

“All new Sales Executives will go through a
thorough training process that includes a blended environment of classroom
learning, online training through our iSolved University learning management
system, as well as hands-on training and role-plays with leaders throughout the
organization,” Story explains.

“This ensures that a new Sales Executive is
fully prepared and ready to hit the ground running ASAP,” Story says, which is
important, because when you work in sales, your contribution enables you to
make more money and move up in the organization.

That’s why Story and the iSolved team designed
the program to get new Inside Sales Executives fully ramped by their 90-day
mark. After that point, you’re off to the races, helping to grow the business
and advance your career.

2. You’ll Be Assigned A Mentor

Mentorship is essential—especially early on in
your career. In fact, 75 percent of executives reported that finding
a mentor early on in their career was critical to their success.

And it makes sense, too. Having a successful
veteran to show you the ropes, introduce you to senior leaders, and help you
advance is much more effective than attempting to do those things alone. That’s
why Story’s team at iSolved assigns every new Inside Sales Executive a mentor.

“Our training program relies on close working
relationships with teammates and peers. 
Fostering a solid mentorship program is vital to the success of our
team,” he says.

And the emphasis on career development doesn’t
stop with new hires. The iSolved team sees the mentorship program as a valuable
proving ground for new team leaders, too.

“Not only does it shorten the ramp time for
new hires as they enter the company,” Story explains. “It also helps the
mentors build leadership skills they can carry forward as their career

3. You’ll Have A Clear Path Forward

What makes people happy in their jobs?
According to the Harvard Business Review, it’s a clear career path. And that’s what Story’s
team at iSolved has created for its entry-level sales team.

“Success on the Inside Sales team can open
many opportunities throughout the organization,” he says.

One option is moving up into a leadership role
in sales. If you’ve got a passion for business development and an interest in
management, this path is something that your sales team managers can help you

If you’re more interested in building business
relationships in person or over a longer period of time, there are also roles
in field sales or account management, Story says. The Inside Sales program is
an important way for the company not only to grow its business, but also to
find its future leaders.

Essentially, when you’re hired at iSolved,
they’re looking to give you more than just your first role. They’re leaders in helping other companies capitalize
on the potential of their people—and they do the same for their employees.

Ready to
start your sales career? Check out
iSolved on WayUp!

#Reasons #iSolved #Perfect #Place #Start #Sales #Career

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