4 Ways To Start Your Aerospace And Defense Career At SNC #Ways #Start #Aerospace #Defense #Career #SNC

Sierra Nevada Corporation is a lot of things. One of the largest female-owned defense contractors in the US? Yes. An aerospace leader playing a key role in the next phase of NASA’s missions to the International Space Station with their Dream Chaser® spacecraft? Absolutely. But what you might not know about SNC is that they’re also one of the best places to start your career in the high-stakes aerospace and defense industry.

Here’s a quick look at some of the paths they
offer college students and new grads with internships and entry-level roles.

1. Computer Science and Information Technology

While it might feel like we all need computers to survive, that
sentiment is actually true for people in high-stakes situations, like navigating
outer space or the cockpit of a fighter jet. Information technology and
computer science are more critical than ever in these exacting environments,
and that’s why SNC offers superb training programs, high-impact internships and
fulfilling careers to people who have studied software engineering, product
support, and information technology.

2. Engineering

If computers are the brain of SNC’s technology, then engineers are the ones creating the body. While engineers are obviously in demand at SNC, the company offers something unique to their structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers: The ability to work on a nimble, elite team alongside successful industry veterans.

And when SNC talks about working alongside
industry pros, they’re not kidding. Your mentor might be an astronaut or a
former military commander.

3. Business

SNC is in the business of exploring the final
frontier and securing our nation’s safety, but they’re also a business. And
businesses require professionals who are skilled in areas like operations,
finance, and supply chain. Starting your technology business career with SNC is
an opportunity to contribute to some of the most important goals in the
world—and learn how to keep a successful, multibillion-dollar company running.

4. Emerging Technologies

If you’re an engineer, coder, or data scientist interested in the technology that defines today’s world, and also the technology which will define tomorrow’s world, then emerging technologies is the career path for you.

SNC is one of the best places to not only learn about and contribute to the advancement of new technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and next-generation cyber security, but also to apply these technologies immediately to the most pressing problems in the field.

How do you improve the unmanned vehicles of the future? How do you secure cyber-borders and confidential information? How do you predict machine failure before it happens? When you work on emerging technologies at SNC, you could solve these questions—and more.

Whether it’s the importance of the work or the “sky’s-the-limit” approach to personal development that you’re attracted to, SNC is the perfect place to start your career in aerospace and defense.

Ready for takeoff? Check out open opportunities at Sierra Nevada Corporation on WayUp!

#Ways #Start #Aerospace #Defense #Career #SNC

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