#192 A very squiggly year in review – Squiggly Careers

#192 A very squiggly year in review

Season 2

In this final episode of 2020, Helen and Sarah reflect on the year and what they have learnt. They share insights into who inspired them, what’s helped them to be resilient and what’s kept them motivated along the way.

If you’d like to reflect on the year, here are 10 questions to think about:

  1. One word to describe work this year?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. Who have you helped?
  4. What have you been surprised by?
  5. What have you learnt for the first time?
  6. Who have you been inspired by?
  7. What is your most memorable moment of the year?
  8. What has been your biggest challenge?
  9. What would you like to be true in twelve months time that isn’t true today?
  10. Who would you like to say thank you to?

#squiggly #year #review #Squiggly #Careers

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