Secure Your Dream Job: 4 Links Every College Grad Needs #Secure #Dream #Job #Links #College #Grad

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The sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” have faded into memory, and the harsh reality of job hunting in the real world has set in. Four years of college flew by quickly, and adjusting to life at home is tougher than expected. This only motivates you to find a job soon. However, let’s be honest, this is the big leagues, and the career advice you received in college is hardly sufficient. You may have visited the career office in your senior year, but what did you really learn?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone (although your parents probably don’t want to hear that “none of my friends have jobs yet” either). This post draws from CareerAlley’s extensive resource library to assist you in your journey toward securing a job in the real world.

Just because you graduated college doesn’t mean that you can’t consider an internship. At a minimum, this will give you some great experience and there is always the possibility of  a job offer:

#Secure #Dream #Job #Links #College #Grad

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