Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster of My Wife’s Heart Surgery [Podcast] #Navigating #Emotional #Roller #Coaster #Wifes #Heart #Surgery #Podcast

Podcast #331 – Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster of My Wife’s Heart Surgery


In this week’s episode, I want to discuss Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster of My Wife’s Heart Surgery. I will keep this short but I want you to understand the strategies I am using to reduce risk and more importantly keep my sanity.

For new listeners, my wife and I have lived in Ajijic Mexico which is in the State of Jalisco only a short distance south of Guadalajara, the 2nd largest city in Mexico and the home of a number of the country’s best medical schools.

Health care here on the private side is mostly frictionless. Access to the private healthcare system is easy and affordable. The same cannot be said about the public healthcare system and I will put a link in the show notes when I discussed the public healthcare system in a previous episode.

To see a specialist, you usually can schedule an appointment in less than 2 weeks and often much faster than that. Recently, I went to schedule my annual skin check with my dermatologist, and I was able to secure an appointment for the next day. My doctor was not rushed and spent well over 30 minutes with me. Past appointments have lasted up to an hour. The cost was about $60 US. That was not a copay but the total cost.

I am far more likely to see my doctors and in between appointments I can call or text them via WhatsApp. If I have a question I will text them and usually I will get a response in a few hours directly from the doctor.

My wife has real relationships with all of her doctors, which includes a hematologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, and now a cardiologist. My wife being a retired RN is a total pain in the butt patient and she loves her doctors here.

That sets the stage for this story.

This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community, and be sure to pick up my latest book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for the 2nd Half of Life Third Edition.

Now on to the podcast…

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Considerations in Expat Healthcare and Health Insurance When Moving to Mexico [Podcast]

Let’s Discuss How to Mitigate Risk in Your Life and Career [Podcast]

How to Mitigate Risk in the 2nd Half of Life

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#Navigating #Emotional #Roller #Coaster #Wifes #Heart #Surgery #Podcast

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