where’s the line? — Ask a Manager #wheres #line #Manager

Halloween costumes at work: where’s the line?

A reader writes:

I’ve generally worked places where people like to dress up in costumes for Halloween, and sometimes I’ve wondered if I’m being too uptight or if my coworkers just have terrible judgment. I’ve seen people wear costumes that show a ton of skin (something I might wear to a bar but not to the office), costumes that seem insensitive to outright racist (like costumes based on cultural stereotypes), and costumes that just seem impractical (a guy I once worked with kept a full-body gorilla suit on the whole day, and it was not easy to hear him talk through it). I’d think my employers would have laid out guidelines for costumes but they never did! So what are the right guidelines for Halloween costumes at work?

You can read my answer to this letter at New York Magazine today, where I also answer other Halloween questions, including:

  • I don’t want to wear a Halloween costume to work!
  • My office goes overboard for Halloween
  • Is it weird to take Halloween off from work?
  • Can I wear a Halloween costume to a job interview?
Posted in workplace practices

#wheres #line #Manager

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