Becoming a professional: 3 ways to strengthen your professional identity #professional #ways #strengthen #professional #identity

How you perceive yourself is important because a positive self-image is the foundation of professionalism. It has a big influence on attitudes, values, and behaviours. If you feel professional, you are more likely to act professionally. This will empower you to give your best, securing trust and inspiring confidence in others. High professional self-esteem is energising; it boosts confidence and productivity and drives commitment to achieving high standards. All of which helps to boost credibility and forge a positive reputation, amongst colleagues and clients.

A positive self-image is the foundation
of professionalism…

Leaving university and entering the world of work is exciting, not least because a multitude of career and life-enriching opportunities await. Whatever job you intend to do, whatever your goals and ambitions, success is linked to the ability to think and act like a professional. This brings the need to cast aside your self-image as a student and embrace your professional identity.

So, before you enter the world of work it is important to think about how you might start to let go of your student identity and build a positive self-image as a professional. Here are 3 things you can do to get the ball rolling to strengthen your professional identity before graduation day arrives:

Develop a LinkedIn profile and establish your professional presence.

If you have personal and professional aspirations, LinkedIn is a great tool for establishing a connection with industry experts and like-minded people who share your interests and passions. It’s a great way to learn and keep abreast of professional issues, as well as a powerful way to show off your attributes, accomplishments, knowledge, and skills.

The mere act of building a professional profile can be self-affirming. Describing accomplishments and experiences is a great starting point when it comes to knowing your professional self. The opportunities to engage with others bring added value because it has to potential to enrich your understanding of who people are, what they do and how they do it in ways that get results. Here you can connect with people who serve as a valuable resource when it comes to shaping your thoughts and actions, sustaining your interest in matters related to professional standards and practices, and helping you realise your ambitions.

What is more, by posting your thoughts and ideas you get to inspire others and in doing so you become much more visible. All of this boosts your credibility and personal influence, but it also enhances levels of confidence, particularly in how you present yourself as a professional to others. Your well-written authentic profile will remind you and others that, having embarked on a course of study you are now focused on raising your sights in another way.

Become more self-aware by asking for feedback.

How are you perceived by others?

Having a clear sense of how you see yourself as a professional is important, but so is understanding how others perceive you. The professional image you hold of yourself may not be the same as others hold. Self-perceptions can be wrong, particularly when starting on a new career path. There is a tendency to over or underestimate skillsets, negatively compare yourself to others and allow self-doubt to creep in. Inaccurate self-assumptions affect confidence and competence and stall ambitions. Knowing how capable you are is vital to becoming a professional. Gaining feedback from those you have worked with or have studied alongside allows you to draw more accurate inferences about yourself.

However uncomfortable it might feel, start to collect testimonials from those you know well within your chosen field. Feedback and testimonies posted on platforms like LinkedIn provide potential employers with evidence of your ability, moreover, they offer an objective starting point that helps you to realise your potential and provides a sense of how well-rounded a professional you are.

Feedback is great because whether it reaffirms or disaffirms your personal view, it has the potential to influence the choices you make or the actions you take. Not only does it allow you to credit yourself for the professional skills and qualities you possess, but it also provides an opportunity to embrace self-improvement in ways that allow you to stand out from the crowd. The more self-aware you are the greater potential you have. Think about it – with a higher level of self-confidence and an expanded skill set, you will be far better equipped when it comes to achieving your ambitions, demonstrating professional accountability, and meeting, (and indeed exceeding) professional standards and expectations.

Build a network and get involved.

Being visible and active within a sector-specific network or a professional community provides a vital support system, no matter what stage you are at in your career. It is also a pathway to legitimising your professional identity, nurturing your development, and furthering your success. The feeling of being a professional amongst professionals can be a real boost to your self-image.

Networks are often keen to embrace those entering a profession. Taking account of any cost implications, if you can find some way to actively participate in such a group you are sure to acquire knowledge, develop your expertise and enhance your appreciation of professional roles and responsibilities and standards of practice. Being part of a community provides a rich opportunity to tap into the wisdom, foresight, and hindsight of those already carving out their careers, which can ignite ambition and reinforce your interest and commitment towards being your professional best.

Pay close enough attention and you will soon find that the values and virtues you see and come to appreciate in others soon become exemplified within yourself. All of which will enhance your reputation and help you establish yourself as a professional in the eyes of others. 

Develop your professional identity...

Developing a professional identity is part of the process of becoming a professional. Sometimes this means dispensing with your old identity, working at removing self-doubt and creating reasons to feel positive about yourself and the future. Becoming self-aware and actively engaged with a wider community of professionals is key and central to building a visible and strong professional identity. Through these, you can be confident of graduating with a positive self-image and a reputation for possessing the professional characteristics that are desired and admired. What better way to start your career?

You can read more about the importance of building and sustaining a strong professional identity in chapter 1 of the book which is published by Tantamount Books and available to purchase on Amazon. The link here provides further details of the content and an opportunity to read small sections.

#professional #ways #strengthen #professional #identity

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