How to Write a Job Rejection Email (Template & Examples) #Write #Job #Rejection #Email #Template #Examples

Rejecting a job applicant is a delicate task, and it’s important to get it right. This article is here to guide you through the process. We’ll cover the best ways to communicate a job rejection with kindness and clarity. This guide offers practical tips and templates to help you handle these difficult conversations with professionalism and empathy. 

What Is the Purpose of a Job Rejection Email?

A job rejection communicates a decision while maintaining a positive relationship with the candidate. This email is an essential part of the recruitment process, reflecting the company’s professionalism and respect for the applicant’s efforts. It closes the application process, giving closure to the candidate and preserving the possibility of future interactions.

The Importance of Sending a Job Rejection Email

In today’s competitive job market, how a company handles job rejections can be as impactful as how it manages job offers.

Here are some reasons to send courteous and professional job rejection emails:

Positive Candidate Experience

Although rejection is never pleasant, a well-crafted email can leave candidates feeling respected and valued. It demonstrates that the company acknowledges the time and effort put into the application process. 

This thoughtful approach can turn a potentially negative experience into a constructive one, leaving candidates with a favorable impression of the organization. They’re more likely to reapply for future positions or recommend the company to peers, knowing that their efforts won’t go unnoticed.

Reputation Management

The practice of sending job rejection emails is pivotal for reputation management. In today’s interconnected world, a company’s recruitment practices are often as visible as its products or services. A respectful rejection email can enhance the company’s image as a considerate and ethical employer. 

This positive perception can spread through word-of-mouth and social media, bolstering the company’s reputation in the job market.


Transparency is a key element in modern HR practices, and sending a job rejection email is a direct demonstration of this value. It shows that the company is open and honest in its communications, even when the message might be difficult. 

This transparency is appreciated by candidates, who often face uncertainty and anxiety during job searches. Receiving a clear and direct response allows them to understand where they stand and focus their efforts on other opportunities.

Closing the Loop

Finally, sending a job rejection email is essential for closing the loop in the recruitment process. It offers a sense of resolution to candidates, who otherwise might be left wondering about the status of their application. 

This closure is not only beneficial for candidates but also for the company, as it prevents the need for follow-up inquiries and allows both parties to move forward. Moreover, it keeps the door open for future interactions, as candidates who are treated with respect and professionalism are more likely to reengage with the company when other opportunities arise.

How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job

This section provides a detailed guideline on how to tell someone they didn’t get the job, ensuring the message is conveyed with professionalism and empathy.

  • Clear and Concise Subject Line: The subject line of your job rejection email should be straightforward yet sensitive. Phrases like “Job Application Update” or “Regarding Your Application for [Position Name]” are appropriate. It’s crucial to avoid ambiguity, ensuring the candidate is not misled about the email’s purpose.
  • Personalized Greeting: Begin the email with a personalized greeting, using the candidate’s name. A personalized approach shows the candidate that they are not just another number in the process, but an individual whose application was considered seriously.
  • Gratitude and Acknowledgment: Acknowledge the time and effort the candidate invested in applying and interviewing. This appreciation helps soften the blow of rejection and leaves the candidate with a sense of respect and value.
  • Reason for Rejection: Providing a reason for the rejection can be beneficial, but it should be handled delicately. General factors like a highly competitive applicant pool or the need for specific skills that were not a strong match can be cited. If appropriate, gently mention a lack of fit with the company culture. However, ensure that the reasons are constructive and not personal.
  • Encouragement and Constructive Feedback: Offer encouragement by highlighting positive aspects of the candidate’s application or interview. If suitable, provide constructive feedback, focusing on areas for improvement. This can be invaluable for the candidate’s professional growth. The key is to be honest yet tactful, ensuring the feedback is useful without being disheartening.
  • Closing Statement: Conclude the email with a positive note. Wish them success in their future endeavors, leaving them with a sense of goodwill and optimism. This closing can help maintain a positive relationship with the candidate, who may be a perfect fit for a different role in the future.

Related Article: Asking for Feedback After a Job Rejection: Do’s and Don’ts 

Job Rejection Email Templates

Crafting a well-structured job rejection email is crucial in maintaining a professional and empathetic approach to recruitment. Below are templates for different scenarios, designed to assist HR professionals in effectively communicating job rejections.

Declined Interview Email

Sometimes, a candidate may not be the right fit even before the interview stage. In such cases, sending a declined interview email is necessary.

Here’s a template:

Subject: Update on Your Application for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and for the effort you put into your application.

After careful review, we wanted to inform you that we will not be proceeding with an interview at this time. This decision was challenging due to the high caliber of applicants we received. Please know that your qualifications were impressive, and we appreciate the time you invested in reaching out to us.

While we are unable to offer an interview currently, we would like to keep your resume on file for future opportunities that may better align with your skills and experience. We encourage you to apply for any future positions at [Company Name] that interest you.

Thank you again for considering a career with us. We wish you the best in your job search and all your future professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Job Rejection Email After Interview

After conducting interviews, it’s important to communicate with candidates who won’t be moving forward.

Here’s a template:

Subject: Your Interview for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. We want to extend our sincere thanks for taking the time to interview with us for the [Job Title] position. We truly appreciated the opportunity to learn about your skills and experiences.

After careful consideration and thorough review of all our candidates, we have made the difficult decision to move forward with another applicant whose qualifications more closely align with our needs for this particular role. This was not an easy choice given the impressive talents of all our interviewees, including yourself.

We are grateful for the interest you have shown in [Company Name] and for sharing your professional aspirations with us. Although this specific position was not the right fit, we were impressed by your [mention a specific strength or quality of the candidate], and we encourage you to apply for future openings at our company that align with your skills and career goals.

Thank you again for your time and effort, and we wish you all the best in your continued job search and future professional endeavors. Please feel free to stay in touch.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Related Article: Job Rejection After an Interview? Here’s How to Handle It

Job Rejection Email for Internal Candidates

Rejecting an internal candidate requires a delicate approach, as these individuals are already part of your organization. Such emails should focus on maintaining a good working relationship and encouraging their continued growth within the company.

Subject: Regarding Your Application for [Job Title] Within [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I want to start by expressing our sincere appreciation for your ongoing contributions to [Company Name] and for expressing interest in the [Job Title] position.

After thorough consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate for this role. This decision was particularly difficult given your valuable work and dedication to our team. We were impressed by your [mention any specific strengths or contributions of the candidate] but ultimately felt that another candidate’s specific skill set was better suited to the needs of this position.

We truly value your commitment to [Company Name] and encourage you to continue seeking growth and development opportunities within our organization. Please know that this decision does not diminish the importance of your role and your accomplishments here.

We are more than willing to discuss your career path and future opportunities within [Company Name], and I am personally available to provide guidance or support in your professional development.

Thank you again for your interest in the [Job Title] position, and we look forward to your continued success and contributions to our team.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Job Rejection Email for Post-Internship Candidates

Interns often hope their internship will lead to a permanent position. When this isn’t possible, it’s crucial to communicate this delicately. Here’s a template that will help you acknowledge their contributions and encourage them in their future endeavors.

Subject: Follow-Up on Your Application for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication during your internship with us at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure having you as part of our team and witnessing your growth and contributions.

Regarding your application for the [Job Title] position, after much consideration, we have decided to move forward with a candidate who has specific experience and qualifications that align more closely with our current needs. This decision was not easy, especially given your commitment and the skills you demonstrated throughout your internship.

We recognize and appreciate the effort you put into both your internship and your application. While this specific role was not the right fit, your potential did not go unnoticed. We encourage you to continue developing your skills and would be delighted to consider you for future opportunities that match your qualifications and career aspirations.

Please keep in touch and consider [Company Name] for future applications. We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits and upcoming professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Personalized Job Rejection Email Example

Personalizing a job rejection email, especially when offering feedback, is crucial in showing respect and care for the candidate’s professional development.

Below is an example of a personalized job rejection email that includes specific feedback:

Job Rejection Email for Post-Internship Candidates

Subject: Regarding Your Application for the Marketing Manager Role at Zenith Innovations

Dear Emily,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. First and foremost, thank you for the time and energy you dedicated to the interview process for the Marketing Manager position at Zenith Innovations. We were particularly impressed by your enthusiasm for digital marketing and your innovative approach to brand strategy, evident in your successful campaign with ABC Corp.

After a thorough review of all our candidates, we have decided to move forward with someone whose background in international market expansion more closely aligns with our current strategic goals. This decision was by no means an easy one, especially given your strong expertise in domestic market strategies.

I would like to offer some specific feedback to assist you in your career journey. Your experience in developing comprehensive social media campaigns and managing a dynamic team is commendable. However, for a role like Marketing Manager at Zenith, a deeper understanding of global marketing trends and experience in navigating diverse international markets could greatly enhance your candidacy for future opportunities. Additionally, while your creative approach is a significant strength, expanding your skill set in data analytics could provide a more balanced strategy perspective, which is highly valued in our company’s marketing approach.

We truly appreciate your interest in Zenith Innovations and the unique ideas you brought to the table during our discussions. While this particular role wasn’t the right fit, your talent and passion for marketing are clear, and I have no doubt you’ll find a position that suits your impressive skill set. Please feel free to stay in touch, and should a suitable role arise in the future, I hope you will consider reapplying.

Thank you once again for considering a career with us, and I wish you the best of luck in your ongoing job search. If you would like to discuss your application or our feedback further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Warm regards,

Jonathan Smith
Director of Human Resources
Zenith Innovations
[email protected]

Best Practices for Crafting Compassionate Job Rejection Emails

Crafting a compassionate job rejection email is a critical aspect of the recruitment process. Below are best practices for creating job rejection emails that are empathetic and professional.


It’s respectful to inform applicants of their status as soon as a decision has been made. Timely communication demonstrates that your company values the candidate’s time and effort. It also helps candidates to move on quickly in their job search, potentially reducing the emotional impact of the rejection.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Offering constructive feedback shows that you have taken the time to evaluate the candidate’s application thoroughly and are interested in their professional growth. Feedback should be specific, actionable, and framed positively. However, it’s important to balance honesty with sensitivity, ensuring that your comments are helpful and not discouraging.

Encourage Future Applications

If you see potential in a candidate for future roles, explicitly encourage them to reapply. This can be particularly important for candidates who were strong contenders but weren’t the right fit for the current role. By inviting them to apply for future positions, you maintain a relationship with them and create a pool of pre-vetted candidates for your company. This gesture can also boost the candidate’s confidence and willingness to re-engage with your organization.

Legal and Compliance Considerations

When crafting job rejection emails, it’s vital to be mindful of legal and compliance considerations. Avoid statements that could be interpreted as discriminatory or that imply an unlawful basis for the decision. Stick to factual, job-related reasons for the rejection. It’s advisable to consult with your legal team to ensure that all communications are compliant with employment laws and regulations.

The Future of Job Rejection Emails

The future of job rejection emails is set to evolve significantly with advancements in technology and a greater focus on candidate experience. Let’s explore how these changes will shape the way companies communicate rejections.

Personalization through AI

AI can analyze a candidate’s application and generate a customized response that addresses specific aspects of their profile. This technology can identify the key strengths of the candidate and tailor the message to provide relevant and individualized feedback. 

The use of AI in crafting personalized rejection emails not only enhances the candidate experience but also reflects a company’s commitment to thoughtful and respectful communication. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, we can expect even more nuanced and personalized interactions in the recruitment process.

Automated Feedback Systems

Automated feedback systems represent another innovative trend. These systems can provide more detailed and constructive feedback to candidates by analyzing their interviews or assessments using predefined criteria. By offering insights into areas of strength and those needing improvement, automated feedback systems help candidates in their professional development. 

This technology ensures that each candidate receives valuable feedback without significantly increasing the workload for HR professionals. As these systems develop, they could become a standard feature in the recruitment process, benefiting both candidates and employers by fostering transparency and growth.

Integration with Learning Platforms

An emerging concept is the integration of job rejection emails with learning platforms. For instance, a rejection email could include links to online courses or workshops that align with the areas of development identified during the application process. 

This approach positions the company as an enabler of professional growth, extending the relationship beyond the recruitment process. It demonstrates a commitment to the long-term success of all candidates, enhancing the company’s reputation as a supportive and developmental organization.

#Write #Job #Rejection #Email #Template #Examples

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