recovering professionally after an internet hate campaign — Ask a Manager #recovering #professionally #internet #hate #campaign #Manager

Remember the letter-writer trying to recover professionally after an internet hate campaign against her? Earlier updates are here, and here’s the latest.

So much has happened since then (I can’t believe it’s been eight years!) both in the industry and professionally.

After I left my former company, I took some time working for other companies and writing for myself. I moved around a bit, tried my hand in some different industries, wrote a (yet unpublished) novel.

Just before Covid hit, some friends of mine contacted me. They had started a new video game studio and were looking for a writer. Was I interested? I was!

I’ve been working with them for the past few years and it’s been wonderful. We have a small, incredibly talented team and I love what I do. Also, we just announced our next game, which is set in a dystopian futuristic corporation. You play SCOUT, a rogue artificial intelligence trying to escape from Paperclip International (aka the world’s worst company).

It’s a turn-based strategy game, no shooting or violence (other than cartoonish violence. Our early testers had a great deal of fun convincing office workers to kick beehives or put hot sauce in coworkers’ coffees). Instead, you have to spy on the people in the office, figure out what they want, and offer them deals if they will help you escape. It’s got a lot of satirical corporate humor, with miserable human office workers trapped in a nightmare of bureaucracy and mismanagement.

(I may have taken some inspiration from an AAM post here or there.)

Given the subject matter, I thought you might be interested in the game, or just hearing what I was up to. Here’s our Steam page and press release.

#recovering #professionally #internet #hate #campaign #Manager

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