Three tips for finding a job you’ll love #tips #finding #job #youll #love

Take a moment to picture your ideal career…

Is it the job you’re in now or were you just daydreaming about greener pastures in another role or company? If it’s the latter, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. 

Maybe you’re worried that you don’t have the right skills or experience to get the job you really want, or maybe you’re not even sure about what you want to be doing but you know it’s not this

Whatever the reason, we’re here to help, with a new free course – Life’s Work –  hosted by our Chairman and CEO, James Reed. Here are just three tips from the course which could help you find a job you’ll love (and Love Mondays). 


1. Know what you want (what you really, really want)

It may seem obvious, but having a solid idea of what you want out of your career is the first step to getting there. 

It starts with understanding what your values, goals and strengths, and then using that knowledge to reflect on what careers you’ll really find fulfilling. What are your key skills and weaknesses? What tasks do you excel at (or dread doing)? And where do you really see yourseld in the future?

Armed with these answers, you’ll feel more confident that your next career move is the right one, because it matches not just what you want out of your job, but out of your life too.


2. Do your research

One of the most challenging parts of changing jobs or careers is making sure you land in a sector that isn’t in decline. That means digging into current in-demand and stable sectors, such as AI or education, to see where your skills might fit.

It’s also a good idea to look into the companies you’re interested in to see if your values align and if they’re financially stable. You won’t want to jump ship only to find yourself in a company you don’t like – or worse, that could lead to your job being at risk a few months down the line. 


3. Get networking

Or, as James Reed CBE puts it in his book, Life’s Work, – go to parties. 

The truth is, the word ‘networking’ has become synonymous with things like sweaty palms at awkward social events and DMs from strangers on LinkedIn. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When you strip it down to its essentials, networking is really about connecting with people who can help you (and vice versa). It could mean going for coffee with a friend to pick their brains about a sector you’re interested in, it could mean attending an event and just getting to know people, and yes, it could mean DMing semi-strangers on LinkedIn – which can actually be really effective if approached in the right way, and remember to personalise your message. 


So, there you have it – three tips for finding a career you love. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it’s a great starting point for exploring what you want to do next. 


Still feeling stuck?

At the end of the day, only you can really know what the right career is for you. But if you’re still feeling unsure about what you want to do next, our free course, Life’s Work: How to get ahead in a career you love, can help. 

Hosted by our Chairman and CEO, James Reed CBE, and Executive Coach Steph Rix, Life’s Work will give you all the tools you need to discover the best career path for you and, once you know, to land your dream job. 


It’s free for a limited time only, so grab it while you can.

#tips #finding #job #youll #love

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