It’s your Friday good news!

1.  “I’m writing to share a good news story on behalf of my cousin. My cousin was working part-time starting in 2018 for financial reasons (her husband earned more money, so it made sense that she have fewer hours and be able to pick up the kids from school, take them to appointments, etc), but after having her hours reduced to almost nothing during the pandemic, she decided it was time to get back into the work world full-time.

In 2022 she started searching for jobs, particularly targeting state government jobs (with my help, as I was already a state employee), and was hired at one of our state agencies starting in late August.

However, a few months in she began to realize it was not a good culture fit, with lack of organization, an absent boss who had basically checked out due to pending retirement and just general chaos. It didn’t get better once he retired — really, it was just the same crap, different day!

With my encouragement, she began applying for jobs at other state agencies, and she managed to land two interviews. Both went well (thanks to your interview guide that I passed along!) and yesterday she accepted an offer! It’s a lateral move but has more opportunities for growth and promotions. I also gave her tips on following up with the other agency she interviewed with about their timeline, using your advice on asking about next steps now that she was considering another offer, which she was more than happy to utilize!

Thank you so much for your targeted, thoughtful, wise, practical advice that has helped both of us to advance in our (later in life) careers in state government!”

2.  “I’m a newly graduated student who’s spent the last year bemoaning that there was no intersection between my niche field and my smallish city and I was going to have to significantly compromise my desired career path. Then a few months ago, a single company relocated their [my field] division to [my town], starting with one new entry-level hire. Thanks to a lot of reliance on your cover letter and interview advice, that new hire is me, and I am over the moon! As a bonus, you also helped me the courage to successfully negotiate my offer. Here’s looking forward to my very first cubicle!”

3.  “In 2011 I was hired into the trade association field in a low level position and fell in love. I decided to make associations my career — sadly leaving that initial association in 2013 as I needed more experience/money and wanted to move up. But in my exit interview I told the CEO that whenever they left, I wanted to come back into their job.

Fast forward to 2021 and the CEO announced they were leaving. I was starting to look for a new job, had all the experience/certifications they wanted and thought, ‘This is my moment.’ I leveraged every resource I had; my friend in HR spent three hours doing a practice interview, a friend who does makeup took me shopping to up my makeup game so I’d look older and more polished (I’m very young for my role so wanted to nip any of that thinking in the bud!), I scoured your site for resume and cover letter advice, and I had friends in the association world look at my application package before I applied. I had to write a three-page cover letter, reformat my resume to their specifications, and for the final interview was one of three candidates to present a presentation to the board that I spent a whole weekend on. If there was every anything approaching a dream job, this was it, and I did everything in my power to nail every step.

Two and a half months from applying, I found out I was the second choice. The board chairman called me personally to deliver the news and while my voice was steady, tears were pouring down my face. I have never wanted a job for so long and tried so hard, and it was devastating. I saw on Facebook when they welcomed the new person, and since I had kept in loose touch with some old board members, when asked I explained that while obviously disappointed, I wanted the best for the organization and if that wasn’t me, I understood. I kept job hunting and would be the second or the third choice every time, but nothing cut quite as deep as that rejection had. I turned down a couple jobs that wouldn’t have been a good fit and just kept applying.

In early summer 2022, I got a weird email on a Friday night from one of the board members saying, ‘Hey, can we catch up this weekend?’ Thinking nothing of it, I said sure, gave them a ring and found out … the person they hired had been a terrible fit, and the board was not only moving ahead with a separation from the individual, but wanted to talk to me and find out if I was still interested and available. I had to interview with the executive committee a few weeks later (using lots of advice from your site) and got an offer letter a few hours later. Almost a year to the day I got rejected, I signed my three-year contract. I’ve been here just over a year and I have never been happier at work. I got a 68% raise, I get to travel all over the world, I have built an amazing team, and I have had so many people tell me how glad they are they ended up hiring me. Friends and family all remark how happy I am since I have taken this job (the company I left deserves a post all on it’s own — I didn’t understand the term gaslighting fully until that job). While that initial rejection was devastating, I am so glad that I was second, so I was able to step into this role. Thanks to all your interviewing and resume advice — it was invaluable!”

#Friday #good #news #Manager

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