This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager.

Here’s a round-up of posts about managing mental health at work.

talking to your boss

should you tell your boss if you’re struggling with mental health issues?

should I disclose my depression to my boss?

how to talk to your boss about mental health issues

should I tell my boss I’m in therapy and on medication?

how can I get time off work for therapy?

as a manager

how should I handle joking around during mental health discussions with my team?

my employee is paranoid — can I help or is it not my business?

my employee is overwhelmingly emotionally needy

my anxious employee wants daily reassurance

how much direct mental health support should managers provide?

how to help a suicidal employee

I’m afraid to give critical feedback after two employees threatened suicide

as a coworker

my coworker is making offensive comments about suicide and depression

how patient do I need to be with a coworker with mental health issues who lashes out at me?

coworker with anxiety keeps asking us to drive her home and stay there with her

workplaces that overstep

my boss wants us to all share our mental health needs – at every meeting

my manager makes us do mental-health surveys every day

forcing employees to talk about their feelings isn’t good for our mental health

we have twice-daily mandatory group therapy at work

my boss asks us to babysit a coworker with anxiety disorder


how do I care about work when my life is falling apart?

returning to the job market after depression

what does self-care look like at work?

why I am irrationally anxious at work when I’m doing so well?

#managing #mental #health #work #roundup

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